Portrait by Liu Chun Chih

戰爭、病毒、資源掠奪、環境破壞等等。 這個世界怎麼了? 人類社會出了什麼問題? 現在的人怎麼了?
我在小學教特殊教育的時候,也覺得少數學生被區別對待,所以想教育全體學生要慈悲,尊重各種生命和存在。 但遺憾的是,在這個時代,很多人都無法正視自己,靜下心來好好思考。 希望用作品來喚醒人們,思考自身的價值,尊重所有生命的存在。 全人類共同創造美好幸福的世界,從我們每個人做起。

Wars, viruses, resource plundering, and environmental damage and so on. What happened to this world? What's wrong with human societies? What's happened to nowadays people?
As I teach special education in elementary school, I also feel that minority group of students are treated differently, so trying to teach all of school students to be mercy and respect all kinds of life and existence. But it is a pity that in this era, many people are unable to face myself, sit still and think deeply. Hoping to use works to awaken people, thinking about their own value and respect the existence of all life. All human beings together to create a beautiful and happiness world, and starting from each of us.

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