"THE TIMES" or Psychedelic-ART by Alexandra Mohr

Alexandra Mohr's paintings have no beginning and no end, your personality, your individuality, your thoughts and actions and your way of life she reveals a piece in your paintings, is a colorful result of brief snapshots.
From the past become loops, the eyes ask questions, faces arise and swirl at the same time again and become something new that still lies hidden.
It is not only the image of the artist, but of each viewer, there are no boundaries, evaluations, even no culture, religion, skin color and way of life is excluded or emphasized. It is exactly "the time" in which we all live! The red line which pulls itself through our all life!

A time that changes every hour, minute, second and loses or gains intensity, because we have a choice to decide how life goes.

The everyday that accompanies each of us and is no longer perceived, overshadowed by fears that no longer allow a clear "moment". Dull phrases, agitators and slogans that drive away the last enchanting thoughts ...and the magic of the moments are lost.

Alexandra Mohr wants to capture this magic with her pictures, make this magical moment visible again, let you feel the energy of your own life when looking at her pictures!

Portfolio Entries