Drawings by Judy Csotsits

This current body of drawings are a combination of pen, ink, acrylic and colored pencil on mylar. The mylar creates a deep, milky, smooth, white space in which each form levitates and creates the illusion of existing in 3-dimensions. The drawings are created intuitively using only a simple symmetrical structure from which the lines and forms grow.

My work uses the visual language of European architectural aesthetics in their ornate and decorative tendencies coupled with a tradition of dark tales and myths born out of Eastern European life. Some influences include Hans Bellmer, H R Giger, tattoo art, and art nouveau.

The drawings evoke at once an Alien and ancient form combined with a hybrid of plant, animal, and human forms. The movement and repetition in the drawings evoke fractal like structures that are abundant in nature. Evolution is alluded to in the work as each form is an organic hybrid of various forms of life, depicted in a state of transformation and metamorphosis. The insect-like bodies appear to be evolving braids resulting in an overall human shape, thereby dissolving the distinction between plant, animal, and human categories and fusing abstract and figurative elements into one. The ultimate result reflects the evolutionary process of beginning with the simplest, one celled organism evolving into the various complex expressions of life.

Portfolio Entries