Love Of Gaspé by Paula Laflamme

My Gaspésie

Childhood dreams, memories of adolescence!

The smell of the sea, immensity taste of salt, the smell of hay, the sound of gravel,
I am almost there!

Percé with your enormous rock that hits me right in the heart
As soon as I see it, parked, me standing on Surprise Hill

Shortness of breath, I leave this wonder flooding me all the love in the world!
I Love you all Gaspésien people, my people!

Grandpa and Grandma, Grand Dad and Grand-ma, my father's violin and the guitar of my mother, takes me back to my Rocher Percé.

The real Hangman, the legend told to me by Mémé, rainy evenings in her kitchen in Coin Du Banc, while grandpa played harmonica, still ring in my head when like a maze I discover the small paths of the cemetery of Percé during my visits to you all my ancestors, my family, Leola, Antonio, and Parsivier you who I miss so much, Carole.

Standing on the dock, watching the ocean, admiring the boats cut through the waves returning fishermen safely, friends, cousins, children and parents. It s at the Dragueur a famous Percé club lead us to celebrate and dance in honor of the efforts of these great men!

These places of my childhood, always brings me back to love.
The love of family, music, roots of our life, and love period!

Paula Laflamme

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