Logan Bauer Portfolio by Logan Bauer

Arrtist Statement.

The translations of one’s emotions visions and ideas on to or into and around the creation of a work of art on a piece of canvas, a piece of paper or on/in any other material form is the essence of originality. The use of technique, process or format alone will die with repetition and redundancy and become a shallow representation of the artist’s human spirit. The artist must be continually excited at the prospect of depicting new subjects, developing new techniques and experimenting with new approaches. Each new work should be an effort at change by the artist who creates in and above all be clearly perceived by the people who see it. An artist may not be able to describe his intent, or the purpose of his effort, or analyze in detail each and every brush stroke. However he must express passion and emotion in each of his creations or he has not been successful.

Portfolio Entries