Mis obras by Dorian Florez

Dorian Florez is an artist from Colombia. He was born on December 11, 1960 in Caldas Antioquia. He studied clinical psychology in University of Paris in the period 1982-1988. At the same time, he was attending School of Fine Arts in Nantes (France) from 1983-1985. He had many other studies & attended many workshops to strengthen his skills. Actually, his talents & skills are shining since his birth.
Dorian Florez attracted our attention by his amazing techniques in his creations. Also we felt the warm sensations evolving from his paintings & covering us. It seems that his study of psychology added to his knowledge of human interiors which was reflected in his art works. Also you can notice that Dorian understands women to a remarkable degree. This is reflected in many of his creations.
Another important point, we felt that Dorian have a deep belief in family, its rule & sensations among its members. You feel in many of his works that he is a man with brilliant artist’s mind & warm father’s heart. Dorian will continue amazing us when you find works related to Salvador Dali school containing the abstract & surrealism principles.
Dorian exhibited his works in many exhibitions & deserved many awards & distinctions. But we want to tell you an important thing Dorian

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