" Arch Hands " by Henrik Brahe

The photos was recorded during the last 3 years in the middle east, in Egypt and Iraq. The recording was made posibel due to my participation in 3 different archaeological excavations at Kom al-Ahmar/Kom Wasit, and Athribis, Sheik Hammad, Sohag and Bab W Kur and Girdi Golek, Boskin, Rania. The excavations was under the patronage of The University of Copenhagen, TORS, The Carsten Niebuhr Department. Denmark. University of Tübingen. Institute für die Kulturen des Alten Orients. Abteilung für Ägyptologie. Germany. And the University of Padua – Italian/Egyptian Archaeological Centre.

The intention with the series is to visualize my local workers from the excavations, through their hands, into an art project. The photos also investigate the concept of identity, every hand is unique, like every person. And here every hand represent an individual. The photos of the hands also emphasize the hard and some times dangerous work conducted during the excavations. One of the other aims with the art project is also to cooperate with the local community, to implement cultural heritage and preservation of the archaeological sites. ” Arch Hands ” are now published in the spring 2019. ISBN Nr. 978-87-971364-0-9 To get a copy of the book, please write to my email address. brahehenrik@gmail.com

Portfolio Entries