GOD_ by Daniel Kyong

Pink ribbon eel living in the pink church_ Polymer clay, epoxy, plastic toy jewelry_108*80*80cm (Installation of variable)_2016

It is a story of another fake god; it is the story of us, not someone else. It is reasonable that the theocracy was abolished in those remote times because the clergies were evil as the rest of us, not because it was wrong that the erudite clergies ruled the unenlightened laities. There may be two contradictory grounds even in democracy promoted on the basis of political equality. On one hand, there is a romantic idea that all people are so good-natured and wise that all of them are qualified to participate in the administration of the state. On the other hand, there is a thought that the depraved people are so evil that the absolute power should not be given to any of them. If human begins would not have been depraved, the absolute royal authority should have been the only legitimate form of ruling. Equality is the only defense against each other’s cruelty. Are certain people born evil? I believe people have mind to become good-hearted. However, we should acknowledge that we could not always be good-natured, and that we are evil. Our evilness is un undeniable fact if we start from a minor thought, such as, ‘I’m really mean,’ even though we had not killed people or destroyed a city by bringing on war. Isn’t it we that put ourselves in the center of the universe and became a god by our love to ourselves?

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