Fake Views by Udi Salmanovich

2017, and the language is Orwellian Newspeak. Lies and manipulations empty values from their meaning. Ignorance = Power, Hatred = Political Capital, and War = Hope.
Fake Views is a response to Fake News, "Alternative Truths" = lies propagated in the media by political and economic interests in order to influence the consciousness of the masses and to raise wealth, status and hierarchy.
The series combines photographs of Israel's landscapes from family trips along the Israel Trail taken from the smartphone camera and a DSLR camera, with the use of photography databases on the web, graphic and other images that were processed on the computer in order to create a document that will reveal the true nature of the hidden landscape.
The images, most of them in proportions 16/9 like television screens framed in exaggerated gold frames.
This combination of extroverted wealth, lies, superstitions, obsessive power, media and politics are the spirit of time, the new realism that the series expresses

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