Andar Peruano by Ana Maria

Under the name “Andar Peruano” (Peruvian Gait), Peruvian artist Ana María García Montero provides a rare glimpse into the world of the Peruvian Paso Horse, an internationally recognized piece of Cultural Heritage and Flagship by the Peruvian Goverment.

Originating from Peru, the Paso horse descended from Spanish, Arab, Berber, and Andalusian horses over 400 years ago. Initially bred to carry travelers across vast plantations and arid deserts, it developed excellent endurance and a smooth lateral gait. In addition to its imperial bloodline, the Paso Horse can attribute some of its most desirable qualities such as its gait and temperament, nobility and pride, beauty and showy excellence, to over four centuries of patient and dedicated breeding.

By capturing these iconic creatures in their natural state, Ana María seduces audiences through a profound artistic sensibility and her unique comprehension of the photographic lens.
Her vivid display of these regal animals takes viewers on a journey far away from the traditional ceremonial show buzz and ventures deep into the quietness of their farms, the ritual of their daily training, and the purity of their innocent jaunts through the rural coast.

Portfolio Entries