Pamela McKinnie Art by Pamela McKinnie

I have always been an intuitive artist. I love to combine various art modalities, which sometimes leads to happy surprises and new ways of seeing life. My passion is to approach my art as a small child. When creating paintings on canvas, I lay a canvas on the floor and randomly begin to brush, dab, drip, spray and scrape paints, inks and other materials with no particular form in mind. After a few days of exploring the initial abstract, I discover the seed of an image that I liberate from the background. Multiple layers enhance the emerging image, which takes on a life of its own. When creating digital paintings, I layer my photography with numerous layers of digital painting, resulting in a creation that is unexpected and “new.” Sculptures are also intuitive and multilayered. In all forms of my work, often something other than the visible appears, which to me is a testimony to the underlying connectedness of life.

In the spirit of Rassouli’s Fusionart, my art is often a fusing of various cultures, a communication with nature, a blending of opposites. It is a reflection of what is felt rather than what is seen. What appears in the finished work is my spiritual and emotional energy fusing with whatever is longing to be expressed. I hope to create something that is alive with energy — something that invites viewers to connect with life in new and meaningful ways.

Portfolio Entries