Accelerated Evolution l by Loren D. Adams, Jr.

Accelerated Evolution is my own genre of original "one-of-a-kind" oil paintings that features at least 5 basic motifs which symbolize eternity or "endless days and nights…" These motifs are star-fields, black & white tiles, Bougainvillea, water in various aspects, and ancient or prehistoric architecture. The general theme in all of these works is: "The journey to the city of God" AKA The Citadel Divina. Each image depicts the natural world juxtaposed with the cultural and Spiritual world of one of the original 12 tribes who colonized the world prior to the great deluge, earthquake, or the so called flood of Noah's time. These images all came to as dreams or visions which I chose to render faithfully as I originally saw them in my mind's eye.

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