Oil and Acrylic by Newton Florentino

Painting, sculpture and music are my life. I like to make art captivate the minds and intrigue one's own imagination. I am a classic realist painter, who works with both oil and acrylic. Over the years, I have explored the beauty of the human figure, the mystery behind still life, and the bringing of still life to reality.

I attempt to make my paintings communicate through its expression, since they are alive and filled with emotion. I think the reason for this, is because I put my soul into the paintings. I have always treated my paintings as though they are part of me. Previously, I worked as an Illustrator for various advertising agencies across New York and eventually discovered my true passion for painting.

My strong subject is figurative and still life. I love to paint people in different situations. I want people to feel captivated through my paintings.

Over the years I have become attached to my paintings, and I am now excited to present my creativity and artistic style to the world. I hope you enjoy!

Portfolio Entries