posted by ARC Gallery and Educational FoundationRESPIRATION(S) NOW! ONLINE EXHIBITION JURIED BY ANGELA DAVIS FEGAN Exhibit Dates AUG 28 - SEPT 25, 2020 Deadline: Aug 4, 2020 https://arcgallery.wufoo.com/forms/respirations-now/ At the crux of some of the current crises that the world is enduring right now, is breath: African-Americans are being denied the right to breathe; COVID 19 is attacking lungs; and the lungs of the planet are in need of restoration. Life on our planet is inter-connected. Divisions and exclusions will insure the continued separation of humanity. Together we live, or together we perish. Humans are the problem and the solution. Compassionate, righteous indignation, coupled with action for legislative justice is needed to shape a future that includes racial equality, universal healthcare, and planetary stewardship. $5-50 Donation.