Svity Chemerys

Svity Chemerys

Location: Germany

Born on 27 March 1983 in a small town Simony in central Ukraine.
2003 came to Germany to study at the Goethe University.
Having traveled through Europe and the US was the pursuit of painting very large. She wanted to transfer the wonderful experiences, colors and nature at the canvas. 2015 visited a acrylic painting course at the Frankfurt Painting Academy. Later started with oil paining. To improve the painting skills, studied different online videos for painting. Currently lives and works in Frankfurt, Germany.

I feel the nature ... The colors, the movements – everything I see and feel is transmitted through my hands and brush on canvas and these moments are imprinted forever so that I can experience it again and again, when I look at the paintings.
I am a part of mother nature. Exactly the same beautiful work, as everything around us. With each brush stroke I unite with nature. One brushstroke – the wind blows over the grass and trees ... Another brushstroke – the clouds float ... And one more – it is the sound of waves breaking ... And one more brushstroke – and you are wrapped in the sweet fragrance of flowers...


Svity Chemerys

Painter. Oil painting. Fine Art.

Sea Battle “Sea Battle”

27.6x39.4 in, oil on canvas, 2016

Riviera “Riviera”

19.7x27.6 in, oil on canvas, 2016

Morning Quiete “Morning Quiete”

23.6x31.5 in, oil on canvas, 2016

Wave “Wave”

19.7x27.6 in, oil on canvas, 2016