posted by Dirty Archangel
The role of the artist in society is a vital, almost rebellious one.
It’s not just to create beauty or tell stories but to serve as the unflinching challenger of the mundane, the stagnant, and the status quo. An artist’s mission is to ensure that the world doesn’t slip into a sleepy, repetitive rhythm, where curiosity dies and growth halts.
We are here to provoke, to disrupt, and to ask uncomfortable questions. While most people prefer to keep the doors to the unknown tightly shut, the artist dares to open them. Instead of hiding in the closet from imagined monsters, the artist looks under the bed, staring directly at what others fear to confront. Yet, despite this vital role, the art world itself seems unwilling to embody the very spirit of exploration it often champions. It’s become far too comfortable - fixated on the safe, the familiar, and the glorified works of the past.
The same great names are lauded time and time again, their brilliance undeniable, yet their dominance casts a shadow over the emerging voices of today. The next generation of artists, those who dare to push boundaries and redefine the very concept of art, are left to shout into the void, met with indifference by a system unwilling to take risks. This stagnation is troubling because art should evolve alongside society - it should challenge, inspire, and reflect the changing tides of the human experience. But when the gatekeepers of the art world choose to cling to what is safe and proven, they stifle the creative energy that has the power to propel us forward.
True art is dangerous, unpredictable, and transformative. It’s a flag that should be carried boldly into new territories, not left waving over the same conquered ground. As an artist, I feel the weight of this challenge. To push against the barriers, to open those doors that society—and often the art world itself - prefers to keep locked.
The role of the artist isn’t to play it safe; it’s to unsettle, to awaken, and to dare. And despite the resistance, the true artist persists, carving a path forward for the sake of evolution, discovery, and the unrelenting pursuit of truth.