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Vidya Rani

Born on 03-29-1984 in Mysore India. Became an engineer and worked as an engineer for few years after my marriage I had to move to different towns for his work and I failed to get work there. After lots of soul searching I decided to do what I loved to do the most which was painting, I got myself enrolled in community college and got my BFA and MFA degrees in fine arts creative painting from Indian university.

I have been showcasing my work in different group shows since 2014.


Dancers and colors

Always have been a figurative artist. I enjoy drawing and painting people more then anything else. Colors are my first love mixing different colors to get new colors is the most exciting part for me in painting. I start with 4 to 5 colors and end up making my canvas a colorful symphony.

Ballerina 3 “Ballerina 3 ”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 4 “Ballerina 4”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 5 “Ballerina 5”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 6 “Ballerina 6”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 7 “Ballerina 7”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 8 “Ballerina 8 ”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 9 “Ballerina 9”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 10 “Ballerina 10”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 11 “Ballerina 11”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 12 “Ballerina 12”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 13 “Ballerina 13”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 14 “Ballerina 14”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 15 “Ballerina 15”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 16 “Ballerina 16”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Ballerina 17 “Ballerina 17”

Acrylic on paper with skewers

Indian dancer “Indian dancer”

Acrylic on paper with skewers