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Ana Rossi

I was born on December 16, 1966, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I begun to paint in my adolescence and at sixteen years of age I took classes with the artist Jose Amore.
There has been two fundametal things that marked my personality and artistic style; one is music and the other being born in a country where during my childhood and adolecense there was a military government who did not respect human rights. This left a necessity of expression for liberty.
In 1985, I begun to study in the National School of Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredon, where I graduated as a drawing, painting, and art history teacher.
In 1990, I participated in several group and individual exhibitions in the Palais de Glace, in the Cultural Center Parque Chacabuco, and others. I worked as an art teacher in Colegio Esteban Echeverria, Colegio del Arce, and others.
Today, I am a member of Amnesty International, I work on several series regarding human rights, and also paint murals from a wide variety in the current city where I live.


Human Trafficking

In this series I want to denounce human trafficking and help reconstruct a better equilibrated and free society. This was made in honor of all the survivors of such a horrible crime that happens everywhere in the world. This series invites everyone to participate in a dialogue, to put us closer in the path of reconstructing for a better way, so that the human race can live respecting each other. Thank you to all who understand and have taken the decision to participate in building a new future, and to the rest, good luck.

She Wants To Be Free “She Wants To Be Free”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Lost Dreams “Lost Dreams”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Walking In Her Shoes “Walking In Her Shoes”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Did You See Her “Did You See Her”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Blue “Blue”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Tania From The East “Tania From The East”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Fighting For Her Freedom “Fighting For Her Freedom”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Born Innocent “Born Innocent”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Tania Is Almost Free “Tania Is Almost Free”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Our Rights “Our Rights”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Born In Freedom “Born In Freedom”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home has two sections; the first one is about our planet; the pollution, global warming, water shortage, glacier melting, growth in desert areas, of which all human beings are responsible. The second section is a metaphor where I compare our home with the planet earth. We love our home, we take care of it, we beautify it, and want to keep the memories from the happiest moments. These moments are as simple as taking a nap with your favorite blanket while it rains outside. It would be great if we could take care of our planet the same way we take care of our homes. In this series I continue working with the unit repetition, adding new elements such as textiles, toys, shoes, and all types of common household objects that represent our everyday lives. With the technique, I utilized watercolors, pencils, oils, etc.

A Clean Planet “A Clean Planet”

14 by 18
Mixed Techniques

A Coat For Our Planet “A Coat For Our Planet”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Dancing In My Dreams “Dancing In My Dreams”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Hugging My Baby “Hugging My Baby”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Nap In The Couch “Nap In The Couch”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Once Upon A Time “Once Upon A Time”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Our Planet 1 (Contamination) “Our Planet 1 (Contamination)”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Our Planet 2 (Contamination) “Our Planet 2 (Contamination)”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques

Our Planet 3 (Global Warming)) “Our Planet 3 (Global Warming))”

16 by 20
Mixed Techniques