Ingemar Härdelin

Ingemar Härdelin

Location: Sweden

My name is Ingemar Härdelin. I am since 1992 an continuously exercising artist who lives in Linköping, a city in the south part of Sweden. Today I am 89 years old. During my active years I was a teacher for 28 years and after that I was working as a music secretary for 13 years.
Culture of all kinds- music, art, writing and litterature - have all life been my driving forces. I started playing the cello when I was ten years old and I am still an active cellist. My painting started when I retired in 1992 and since then I have been painting continuously. Today I have had more than fourty exhibitions all over Sweden and also one in Los Christianos and one in Milano.


Paintings 2015-17

During the last three years I have been painting abstract inspirated from the nature. If you look round in the forest or anywhere you can see marvellous patterns and formations everywhere on trees or on a flat peace of rock. That´s art more beautyful than what an artist can create.