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Luke Gram

Luke Gram

Location: Canada

Luke Gram’s photographs capture the serenity and power of life in a purely ethereal joining of humans and the landscapes we inhabit.

Specializing in portrait and landscape photography, Luke's work has brought him to over 50 countries in a longstanding attempt to document the world through the lens and experiences of an average person.

Intrigued by multiple exposures and psychology, his digital abstract work features a fusion of portraits and landscapes to create something intangible - a sense of wonder, captured in emotion, translated to a single photo.



Ali “Ali”

The forest, mountains, and rivers of Canada's Yoho National Park embody themselves within the silhouette of a young woman drawn before the sun.

Danika I “Danika I ”

An image of the rough, stormy seas off New Zealand's south oceans is blended with a portrait of a young woman laying her head in the water.

Danika II “Danika II”

A young woman's face is reflected in multiple directions on the water of the lake she is in.