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Bashkim Mexhiti was born on July/16/ 1965 in Gostivar where he finished primary and secondary school.

On 1991 he finished the faculty of painting Art in the University of Prishtina on the branch of painting, on the class of ord. prof. Tahir Emra.

In 1991 he finished the post-university studies on the painting professorship , the class of ord. prof. Tahir Emra.

He is working in the faculty of Humanity Science , the professorship of the Faculty of Painting Arts- University of Tetova.

On 2001 he took place on the graphic work on the technique of Dry needle , on the studio of Prof. Dimitar Malidanov- Skopje.

Personal Exhibitions;

1998 ; Europe Gallery” –Gostivar

2000” La Mirage” – Gostivar

2001’ Exhibition saloon “ Ignatia”-Gostivar

2005”Cultural Information Center”-Skopje

2006, Tetovo

2007 MC Gallery - New York

2008 Cifte Amam gallery, Skopje – Macedonia

2008 - Open Studio, La Cite des Arts, Paris

2009 - MC Gallery - New York

2015 - MC Gallery - New York

2017 - Cultural Information Center, Sofia – Bulgaria

2017 - Cultural Information Center - Skopje

Collective Exhibitions;

1992,1993 The gallery of Fine Arts –Tirana

1992,1993..2004 the Culture Palace –Gostivar

1993 Art `s Gallery ‘Rada” –Prizren

1993 National Theatre –Skopje

1994,2001 Culture Palace- Tetova

1994 The museum of the city of Skopje- Skopje

2000 Art Club ‘Alternative’ –Skopje

2001,2002 The city Gallery- Struga

2001 The center “ De Jure” Gostivar

2001 The gallery’ SHAFM-DLUM”- Skopje

2002 The colony ‘ Together” –Diber

2004 International biennale of painting “ The Art Gallery of Kosova” –Prishtina



2016 - Struga Macedonia

Adress; Drage Todoroski No. 28

Gostivar 1230

R. Macedonia e-mail:


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