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Nino Anin

Nino Anin

Location: Germany

Nino Anin

Artistic curriculum vitae

Nino Anin living in Berlin, Germany

mobil ++49 15233927673 – email:

Instagram: ninoanin1

Studies and professional experience

Studies of Grafic Design, Visual Communication, Art, and Photography at AGDW Berlin
Her main emphasis in Art is abstract work in acryl, ink, experiments with different structure mediums, metal grounds oxidations mediums and since early 2015 the encaustic technic. She appreciate particularly the strong points of the encaustic technic: brilliance of color, the structure, gradient and effects.
Early on Study of Classical and Contemporary Dance at the Berliner Tanzakademie Berlin
Co-founder of the 'Zan Pollo" Theater Berlin
Career as freelance dancer and actor at various Theaters in Berlin. Choreographer for TV productions.
Tap dance production with Christian Toberenz as Tap dance Comedians in "Die gnadenlosen Füße"
Diploma from Technische Universitat Berlin in Psychology,
Hypnosis, Regressions Coach and Therapist DK method, and Quantum Technic., Yager-Therapy

Her main emphasis right now is Art and Photography. Color form structure in her paintings appear to occur naturally, often working on several painting at a time.

Artbooks: Internationale Kunst Heute 2017, Himmelblau ArtCompass 2018
Nominated for the Palm Art Award 2018, Certificate of Excellence - Kitz Art Award 2017
Artprize: 2. International Prize Leonardo da Vinci, Firenze 2018,
International Prize of Nations Tribute to Tiziano 2018

Group-Exhibitions 2016/17/18

Kunststück Berlin 2016/2017
Art Salon Q3 Sassnitz/Rügen 2016
Galerie Contemplor Wien 2016
K.I.S.S. Kunst im Seitenschiff Taborkirche Berlin-Kreuzberg 2016/17/18
Artexpertise Atelier d’Arte Galleria Bottega d’Arte Merlino Firenze – since 2017 Artist of Artexpertise Firenze
Biennal of contemporary art of Versilia, Identita Artistiche, Ragione Sentimento, Minimum Maximum
2018 Art Innsbruck – Artexpertise Firenze
Kunstmarkt Berlin 2016/ 2017
GalerieArtCafe Köln 2016
Esart Gallery Barcelona XVIII Salon Internacional 2017
Contemporary Artists Exhibition Lisboa 2017
konstante art fair Vienna 2017 international
809 Art Gallery Milano 2017
Artbox Project Basel 1.0 June 2017
Artraum Mosimo Galerie Rees Energy, Europa 2017
MAD Gallery Milan Biennal of Art 2017, 2018
Artbox project Basel 1.0 June 2017, New York 2018
Innsbruck ArtFair 2018 - ArtExpertise Firenze
Flyer Art Gallery Roma 2017, London 2018, NY 2018
Galerie Andrea Lück Hamburg
Art Gallery Marco Antonio Patrizio Fiera die Vicenza 2018, Artefiera Dolomiti 2018
809 Gallery Milano ‘I love Italy’ Venice & Florence 2018
Gallery104 The Abstract + Figurative Show 2018


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