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Mark Huebner

Mark Huebner

Location: Germany

Mark Huebner’s work is a strong and very energetic expression of change throughout the distructive and creative forces, transmitted via live performances, sculptures and paintings.
Known for his hard-core live acts, this fundamental topic is also transformed into a very diverse spectrum of media.
The German artist (1966) also incorporates the environmental aspect into his work, as a reflection of our current mental state of being.
Living in southern Costa Rica, he experimented with a close-to-nature experience, while establishing a successful eco-resort. (
The life in the jungle led to the environmental aspects in his work, often combined with the well-established, more industrial oriented work from the past.
This life-changing experience also introduced the material bamboo into his work, which he applied to larger scale installation art-projects.
“The environment that we create is a direct reflection of our state-of-mind, revealing the truth of our awareness.
Mark Huebner lives and works in Germany and Costa Rica.


THE LAST SUPPER (biotope-contained)

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The Last Supper is a great example of a fusion between the jungle-life and the post- industrial work from the past.
The steel sculpture, which originally measures about six meters in length is set up with the image of the rainforest from the Artists experience of the last two decades.
The environmental context melting together with this sculpture, is also reflecting
the general perspective of our own access towards ourselves and the world.
Limited edition version of x/7
orig Painting: acrylics, pigments, resin, print (4.1 x 2.1 m)