Shalini Das

Shalini Das


Hi myself Shalini das...a student of fine arts academy...



Love is a feeling which can heal a deal and even kill a well person if it's one sided..
According to me if you love someone set him or her free if he or she is meant for you it will come back to you no matter what and if it's not meant ...don't stop it....

Ego “Ego ”

Never kill a relationship on the basis of ego , and anger ...
It's hard to find true love nowadays...if you are in love try to keep it simple and easy ...
In a relationship both of the person should be able to share and enjoy each and every moment of their existence...
A matured relationship will always come up with a solution after a misunderstanding.

Long distance relationship “Long distance relationship”

Distance is temporary but love is permanent when two souls are made for each matter what time, what distance it takes to reach your love... when two love is loyal and trustworthy distance is temporary.