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Time Lin

Time Lin

Location: Taiwan

Time as the core, with "New, Beautiful, Appreciative" as a concept, make good use of different methods and tools, and constantly challenge myself. By participating in large-scale competition at domestic and foreign, breaking the framework of art creation and restrictions and creating the "NBA" art.


Fold Series

The current style of creation is "wrinkle", showing the power of love. I think wrinkles are not only the sensation of knots and release, but also the memory curve of good times. Different pigments like oil painting push, resulting in color mixing and stacking texture, with the creators intentional or unintentional sway, due to different speeds, vector push and pull, resulting in material traction, forming interesting wrinkles. The French philosopher Gilles Louis René Deleuze once said: "The wrinkles have a cluster of thoughts of energy", so the wrinkles are shaped and have the meaning of storing memories and referring to time. I think that plate squeezing, mountain formation, human brain cortex, and all things are related to wrinkles. Wrinkles come from the encounter and agitation of different energies, such as the joy of fish and water, the yang and yin of Taiji, which contains the truth of the universe. I like to try different media creations, such as sketch, watercolor, oil painting, integrated media, ink, calligraphy, installation, video, pottery, and even dance creation. I hope to show different ideas and create new, beautiful and appreciable Art.

Foreplay Time “Foreplay Time”

With two birds intimate, metaphorizing people to enjoy sex, the bed can be said to be the field of human life. The "wrinkle" on the bed is not only the sensation of knots and release, but also the memory curve of good times. Different pigments like oil painting push, resulting in color mixing and stacking texture, with the creator's intentional or unintentional sway, due to different speeds, vector push and pull, resulting in material traction, forming interesting wrinkles. Therefore, the wrinkles have a plastic shape, and have the connotation of storing memories and referring to time.

Makelove Time “Makelove Time”

Sex is human reproduction ritual life, but also enjoy the sexes joyous moments, such as fish and water. This cloth media, expressed sheets, also represents water; two fish intercourse, produce watermarks, bisexual intercourse, produce grain bed.

20190211 “20190211”

In the universe, the combination of yin and yang can breed the truth of life, but why combine? Because there is the power of love. Because of love, although we have fallen into a limited time, it is an endless generation.

20190309 “20190309”

In the universe, the combination of yin and yang can breed the truth of life, but why combine? Because there is the power of love. Because of love, although we have fallen into a limited time, it is an endless generation.

20190321 “20190321”

In the universe, the combination of yin and yang can breed the truth of life, but why combine? Because there is the power of love. Because of love, although we have fallen into a limited time, it is an endless generation.