Judit Nagy L.

Judit Nagy L. was born in Bucs, a small village in Slovakia, a mother of two, reached a title Master in
Civil Engineering, built a nice family life and became a self employed but still felt, something was missing
from her life. The painful inner emptiness pushed her to make a decision for her 40th birthday - to do a
pilgrimage El Camino de Santiago. Just like in movies, walking the Way for 42 days changed her forever:
she gathered the courage to pursue her passion and paint again. Today she lives and works in Switzerland
having created her own unique mixed media process of painting with wine, resonance gouache dyes
carrying homeopathic informations, using real crystals and perl-acrylic colors with extreme high
Judit invented her method in 2015 and called it "IVVArt - In Vino Veritas Art
Method". The final "product" is every time changing with the light, and because it is in a constant change,
paintings are giving another messages at different times.
Judit had six exhibitions in Switzerland, she is a Newcomer at visart.ch ZH, a member at
ProLitteris and at online gallery Healing Power of Arts and Artists in Manhattan, took a part of some
international exhibitions and will have her next solo show with a vernissage on 27th of September, 2019
in Garten-Center Meier - Treffpunkt für Gartengeniesser, Kreuzstrasse 2, Dürnten / Zürcher Oberland.


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