Salem Krieger

Based in Harlem, New York City, I work as a professional architectural and portrait photographer. In creating my personal work, my skills developed as a working photographer have been applied, understanding both concept to execution. Artwork I create deals with current, relevant issues of the our time from homelessness, climate change to housing. I attended the Chicago Academy of Fine Art and selective classes at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Santa Fe Workshop with portrait photographer Dan Winters ( and the Maine Photographic Workshop with National Geographic photographer Bob Sacha ( Currently, I have been collaborating with the sculptor Richard Newton creating a series titled “COMMON”. The series consists of welded sculptures that are photographed in a various locations that work in context with the objects. It is an on-going project.



CommoN is a photo/ video project focusing on words and expressions that are common to everyday conversation.
While such words and expressions are simple, they carry a multitude of meanings. We fabricate words from steel, prepare them for burning and set them ablaze. Site specific locations are chosen to provide context for the words. Additional layers of meaning are then revealed by the power of fire.

We are collaborators; photographer Salem Krieger and sculptor / illustrator Richard Newton. We have worked on projects together through the years while maintaining an on going discussions about art and culture.

EARTH 2 -from the CommoN series “EARTH 2 -from the CommoN series”

EARTH 2 focuses on the current concerns felt around the world with climate change becoming more noticeable every day.
We chose a location that offered a visual contrast. Having the word EARTH set on fire in a bucolic landscape works in showing the beauty of the world yet with the EARTH on fire. What are we going to lose if we continue our present pressure on our home planet. We fabricate words from steel, prepare them for burning and set them ablaze.  Site specific locations are choosen to provide context for the words.  Additional layers of meaning are then revealed by the power of fire.

News Stand NYC “News Stand NYC”

A photograph of a time in NYC when information was bought on the streets in the form of a printed magazine or newspaper. Ada, the women, was a NYer walking on the sidewalk and I loved her outfit. She was very gracious to let me photograph her.