Johann Nußbächer

Johann Nußbächer

Location: Germany

Johann Nußbächer
Schulgasse 1 D-97855 Triefenstein-Lengfurt Tel: +49 (0)9395 1307 / /
1947 1969 1974 1974 1975 1982 1984
- 1974 - 1992
- 1988
bei Regensburg geboren. Lebt und arbeitet in Triefenstein-Lengfurt/Main-Spessart. Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt FB Gestaltung
Freischaffend als Maler und Grafiker
Lehrauftrag an der FH Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Gründung der HANDPRESSE, Werkstatt für Originalgrafik
Umzug nach Triefenstein-Lengfurt
Gründung und Gesamtleitung der „Sommerakademie Triefenstein“ Nationale und internationale Ausstellungen.
3 Fernsehfilme 5 Kataloge
Johann Nußbächer ist ein deutscher Künstler, Maler, Grafiker, Zeichner.
Sein breit angelegtes Œuvre besteht aus verschiedenen Werkgruppen von Malerei,
einem umfangreichen druckgrafischen Werk sowie zahllosen figürlich-expressiven Zeichnungen. Seine bekanntesten malerischen Werke sind die „Arbeiten in Lack“,
die neueste Werkgruppe heißt „reale fiction“.
Diese Bilder wirken verblüffend 3-dimensional sind aber faktisch ganz flach
und sie sind ebenso wie die „Arbeiten in Lack“ weltweit einzigartig.

2019 2019 2019 2019 2013
2012 2011 2010 2009
2007 2006
2004 2001
2000 1998
1997 1995 1994 1991 1989
1988 1986 1985 1984
Juniper Drive, London, Werkgruppe „reale fiction“ und Lackarbeiten Artnuances, Arbeiten in Lack
Artbox.Projekt Miami 2.0
Galerie Trosseart, Malerei, LONDON
Galerie der Stadt Wendlingen, „schöne aussichten - malerei heute“ Kunstraumhofgasse Marktheidenfeld, „Auf Sendung - Frequenz 97828“ Vollack FORUM 1, Karlsruhe, „Farbkaskaden in Lack, Öl/Acryl“
Museum für Lackkunst Münster, „Arbeiten in Lack“
Kunstverein Erlangen, Exemplarische Arbeiten
„Et in arcadia ego“ Malerei und Grafik, Elisabethenhofgalerie Bad Wimpfen
Galerie der Sparkassse Mainfranken Würzburg, „Gestern Heute Morgen“ Bild & Ambiente, Ochsenfurt
Städtische Galerie „Leerer Beutel“, Regensburg
OstWestKunst Galerie Knyrim Regensburg
Galerie Riedel, Frankenthal/Pfalz, Neue Arbeiten Städtische Sammlungen Schweinfurt
Kunstverein Bamberg
Galerie Jörg Heitsch, München
Galerie Uhlenmühle, Aub
Galerie Riedel, Frankenthal/Pfalz
Kunstverein Bamberg
Städtische Galerie Albstadt
IHK Würzburg
Kunstmarkt Dresden
Galerie Angelika Stitz-Watzek, „Was macht die Kunst?“ Galerie für Zeitkunst, Bamberg
Galerie Angelika Stitz-Watzek, Marktheidenfeld Galerie Scherer, Miltenberg
Galerie Schulgasse 18, Eibelstadt
Ars Musica, Aub
Galerie Schulgasse 18, Eibelstadt
Kunstraum, Hagen
Galerie Alpha, Würzburg
VoBa-Galerie, Wertheim
Galerie für Originalradierung, München
Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg Otto-Richter-Kunsthalle, Würzburg
Au s s t e l l u n g s b e t e i l i g u n g e n
2011 Verein für Original-Radierung München, „Monotypien“
2010 Museum am Dom Würzburg, Engel - Himmlische Boten und Begleiter, Zeichnungen 2008 Kunstpension Kloster Biburg, „Kopf und Kragen“
Galerie Angelika Stitz-Watzek, Marktheidenfeld
Verein für Originalradierung, „Druckfrisch“, München
2005 Galerie Landskron&Schneidzik, „Impulse II“, Nürnberg
2000 Verein für Originalradierung, München, „amor vacui - horror vacui“
Städtische Sammlungen Schweinfurt, „Positionen - Deutsche Kunst nach 1945“ 1999 Kunstverein Würzburg
1998 Franck-Haus, Marktheidenfeld, „art=fact“ Galerie für Zeitkunst, Bamberg, 40 x 40
1997 Verein für Originalradierung, München, „praktisch-quadratisch“ 1996 Kunsthalle Nürnberg „Figur, Körper, Gestalt“
1995 Festung Kronach, „Menschenbilder“
1994 Mainfranken-Messe Würzburg, „Frische Drucksachen“
1993 Kunsthaus Spitäle, Würzburg, „Atelierbesuche“
1992 Forum Vebikus, Schaffhausen, Schweiz, „Lithografien“ 1989 Galerie Schunn, Lechbrunn
Fabrikschleichach Werkstattausstellung
1988 Print Studio Glasgow, Schottland
1987 Otto-Richter-Kunsthalle, Würzburg, „Neue Blicke durch die alten Löcher“
Galerie der Künstler, München, „Radierung: Unikat, Experiment, Auflage“ 1985 Eintritt in den „Verein für Originalradierung“ München,
„Farbradierung in Nordbayern“ Wanderausstellung / Museen Aschaffenburg / Museen Bamberg / Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg / Stadtgeschichtliche Museen Nürnberg / Museen Regensburg /
Städtische Galerie Würzburg
„Druckfrisch 85“, Rathaus München
1984 Internationale Senefelder Stiftung, Offenbach
Neue Residenz Bamberg,
Kaiserburg Nürnberg, „Fränkische Kunst 84“ Internationale Grafikausstellung, Berlin-Ost.
1983 Salon de Tokyo, Japan
Galerie Helga Brand, Prichsenstadt
Schloß Pommersfelden
1982 „Hommage an Leonhard Frank“, Kunsthaus Spitäle, Würzburg
1980 Internationale Grafikausstellung, Berlin-Ost
1976 „Junge Realisten in Nordbayern“, Wanderausstellung, Städt. Galerie Würzburg,
Albrecht-Dürer-Haus Nürnberg, Museum der Stadt Regensburg,
Neue Residenz Bamberg
1975 Große Kunstausstellung, Haus der Kunst, München
Internationale Senefelder-Stiftung, Offenbach
Galerie Weinelt, Hof 1973 Kunsthalle Nürnberg
1972 Städtische Galerie, Würzburg
Öf f e n t l i c h e A n k ä u f e
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung, München Stadtgeschichtliche Museen, Nürnberg Fachbereich Architektur FH Würzburg Artotheque de Caen, Frankreich
Neue Feuerwehrschule, Würzburg
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wein- und Gartenbau, Veitshöchheim Gasversorgung Unterfranken
Wasserstraßen Neubauamt, Aschaffenburg
JVA Würzburg
Elau Marktheidenfeld
Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg
Vermessungsamt Lohr
Sparkasse Mainfranken, Marktheidenfeld
Städtische Sammlungen Schweinfurt
Städtische Galerie Albstadt
Schäfer Bibliothek Schweinfurt
Bischöfliches Ordinariat Würzburg
Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
IHK Würzburg
Regierung von Unterfranken
Sparkasse Mainfranken, Würzburg
Siemens Erlangen
Artothek Nürnberg
Museum für Lackkunst, Münster
Vollack, Karlsruhe
Au s z e i c h n u n g e n u n d P r e i s e
2012 Fernsehfilm des BR / Abstraktes in Lack: Maler Johann Nußbächer, von Hans-Peter Kernstock
1992 „Atelierbesuche“, Fernsehfilm des Bayerischen Rundfunks
von Burkhard Hirschhäuser und Walter Koch, Erstsendung am 26.12.1992
1989 Kunstpreis der Mainfranken-Messe für Malerei
1980 Debütantenpreis des Kultusministeriums Bayern für Malerei,
Förderpreis der Internationalen Senefelder Stiftung


Werkgruppe "reale fiction"

Johann Nußbächer is a German artist, painter, printmaker, draftsman. With national and international exhibitions. His broad oeuvre consists of various groups of paintings, an extensive graphic work as well as countless figurative-expressive drawings. His entire oeuvre is characterized by a high density of creation. His most famous paintings are the "works in lacquer", the latest group of works is called "real fiction". This is a word creation but not a play on words. These images look astonishingly 3-dimensional but are actually quite flat and like the “work in paint” they are unique worldwide. The brand new 2018 work group from Nußbächer is called "less is more". The group is abbreviated: "wim". With acrylic u. sometimes in connection with gouache on canvas. Reduced to minimal colors and shapes, but exciting composition. A quiet but concentrated and emphatic visual language. Born in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) from near Regensburg has lived in a former school building in Spessart for over 30 years. In addition to the 5 catalogs for his work, there are three television programs about him.

"reale fiction" “"reale fiction"”

Johann Nußbächer is a German artist, painter, printmaker, draftsman. With national and international exhibitions. His broad oeuvre consists of various groups of paintings, an extensive graphic work as well as countless figurative-expressive drawings. His entire oeuvre is characterized by a high density of creation. His most famous paintings are the "works in lacquer", the latest group of works is called "real fiction". This is a word creation but not a play on words. These images look astonishingly 3-dimensional but are actually quite flat and like the “work in paint” they are unique worldwide. The brand new 2018 work group from Nußbächer is called "less is more". The group is abbreviated: "wim". With acrylic u. sometimes in connection with gouache on canvas. Reduced to minimal colors and shapes, but exciting composition. A quiet but concentrated and emphatic visual language. Born in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) from near Regensburg has lived in a former school building in Spessart for over 30 years. In addition to the 5 catalogs for his work, there are three television programs about him.

"reale fiction" “"reale fiction"”

Johann Nußbächer is a German artist, painter, printmaker, draftsman. With national and international exhibitions. His broad oeuvre consists of various groups of paintings, an extensive graphic work as well as countless figurative-expressive drawings. His entire oeuvre is characterized by a high density of creation. His most famous paintings are the "works in lacquer", the latest group of works is called "real fiction". This is a word creation but not a play on words. These images look astonishingly 3-dimensional but are actually quite flat and like the “work in paint” they are unique worldwide. The brand new 2018 work group from Nußbächer is called "less is more". The group is abbreviated: "wim". With acrylic u. sometimes in connection with gouache on canvas. Reduced to minimal colors and shapes, but exciting composition. A quiet but concentrated and emphatic visual language. Born in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) from near Regensburg has lived in a former school building in Spessart for over 30 years. In addition to the 5 catalogs for his work, there are three television programs about him.

"reale fiction" “"reale fiction"”

Johann Nußbächer is a German artist, painter, printmaker, draftsman. With national and international exhibitions. His broad oeuvre consists of various groups of paintings, an extensive graphic work as well as countless figurative-expressive drawings. His entire oeuvre is characterized by a high density of creation. His most famous paintings are the "works in lacquer", the latest group of works is called "real fiction". This is a word creation but not a play on words. These images look astonishingly 3-dimensional but are actually quite flat and like the “work in paint” they are unique worldwide. The brand new 2018 work group from Nußbächer is called "less is more". The group is abbreviated: "wim". With acrylic u. sometimes in connection with gouache on canvas. Reduced to minimal colors and shapes, but exciting composition. A quiet but concentrated and emphatic visual language. Born in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) from near Regensburg has lived in a former school building in Spessart for over 30 years. In addition to the 5 catalogs for his work, there are three television programs about him.

"reale fiction" “"reale fiction"”

Johann Nußbächer is a German artist, painter, printmaker, draftsman. With national and international exhibitions. His broad oeuvre consists of various groups of paintings, an extensive graphic work as well as countless figurative-expressive drawings. His entire oeuvre is characterized by a high density of creation. His most famous paintings are the "works in lacquer", the latest group of works is called "real fiction". This is a word creation but not a play on words. These images look astonishingly 3-dimensional but are actually quite flat and like the “work in paint” they are unique worldwide. The brand new 2018 work group from Nußbächer is called "less is more". The group is abbreviated: "wim". With acrylic u. sometimes in connection with gouache on canvas. Reduced to minimal colors and shapes, but exciting composition. A quiet but concentrated and emphatic visual language. Born in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) from near Regensburg has lived in a former school building in Spessart for over 30 years. In addition to the 5 catalogs for his work, there are three television programs about him.

"reale fiction" “"reale fiction"”

Johann Nußbächer is a German artist, painter, printmaker, draftsman. With national and international exhibitions. His broad oeuvre consists of various groups of paintings, an extensive graphic work as well as countless figurative-expressive drawings. His entire oeuvre is characterized by a high density of creation. His most famous paintings are the "works in lacquer", the latest group of works is called "real fiction". This is a word creation but not a play on words. These images look astonishingly 3-dimensional but are actually quite flat and like the “work in paint” they are unique worldwide. The brand new 2018 work group from Nußbächer is called "less is more". The group is abbreviated: "wim". With acrylic u. sometimes in connection with gouache on canvas. Reduced to minimal colors and shapes, but exciting composition. A quiet but concentrated and emphatic visual language. Born in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) from near Regensburg has lived in a former school building in Spessart for over 30 years. In addition to the 5 catalogs for his work, there are three television programs about him.