Connie A Martin

Artist born and raised in Puerto Rico.
Study art in Spain .
Complete bio in the MAPR ( Puerto Rico Art Museum) PROA site of the artist belonging to the museum permanent collection.


Coronavirus Series

Through the paintings I’m being able to cope with the feelings that this pandemic is doing to me.

The fears,the loneliness, the quarantine of the love ones , the anxiety , the sorrow , the feeling of impotent , the despair,the lost of hope .
All has come out in this series .


This is the first one I did of this series .
It’s an abstract landscape of the feelings of dispair that this situation is causing .
Some in the series are líricas abstractions . Some I use still lifes to represent my feelings .


This painting it’s a tribute to the Covid victims , returning HOME .



This landscape of a big city feeling the threat of the pandemic .

NO FLOWERS ( Sin/Corona) “NO FLOWERS ( Sin/Corona)”

This painting is a tribute to the families that weren’t able to have a funeral for the love ones .
No funerals , no flowers , no gatherings to say good bye .


This painting is about the moods that brings the quarentine.


Through this still life , I’m telling the story of uncertainty of the moments we are living .