Yuliia Omelianchuk

Yuliia Omelianchuk

Location: Canada


Flowers of Hope

Flowers of Hope - we all need hope during these challenging times. Total lockdown unabled us to enjoy the simplest things - fresh air, beauty of the sun and flowers. These paintings are meant to bring more colours into your life without leaving the house.
Acrylic on canvas

Rain and flowers “Rain and flowers”

Acrylic on canvas

Magnolia “Magnolia”

Acrylic on canvas

Lily “Lily”

Acrylic on canvas

Dandellions “Dandellions”

Acrylic on canvas

Peonies “Peonies”

Acrylic on canvas

Sunset “Sunset”

Acrylic on canvas

Spring “Spring”

Acrylic on canvas

Simple colours 2 “Simple colours 2”

Acrylic on canvas