Ursula Vargas

As a Peruvian artist have research pre-columbian art and how is reflected in a contemporary context, in territories where now a multi-cultural city, where different economic classes, regions, cultures, ethnic groups, habits, art, food, colours, have developed.

The awareness of climate change, human exploitation of natural resources and its effects on population since ancient times, have appear along this research and during my life, being the motorway and memories that I collect during road trips since childhood, the conduit to these places and my work.

Have start working on the representation of the informal in this, chaotic and corrupt city but rich in culture, reflecting the contemporary baroque, overloaded with information, an explosion of colour and sound, were this cultures are adapted to the urban and in territories were climate change have had a severe effect on them.

Being the reason why I’m using recycled cardboard board boxes in my work.





I'll Leave But I'll Be Back “I'll Leave But I'll Be Back”

This time I continue with the road motiff , travelling inside the car and going through this desert landscape of drouhtness and climate change, in which we see the virus passing fast and a vulnerable Willi E Coyote , once a predator and a dangerous character, now hiding behind a sand dune from it.

Great Expectations “Great Expectations”

An image of hope, in these lands of desert escapism where the road takes you to the sunset and the Willi E coyote is hiding and waiting to get lucky, expecting the road runnner to go by.

Traveling Without Moving “Traveling Without Moving”

Bringing the viewer into the car, to watch scenes of actual disasters go by from it, giving us a sense of guilt andd bratefulness from been privilege of how we travel in comfort at the time of others doing it to save their lives in dangerous conditions, looking for the life we enjoy and have.