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Location: France


2019 - Clot des Sources, Montbrison/Lez
2018 - Temple de Venterol
- Galerie Laurence Bettens , Lausanne
2017 - Galerie André Girard, Mirmande
2016 - Espace Art Gallery , Bruxelles
2014 - Galerie Art Course, Strasbourg
- Ville de Voreppe
- Ville de Biarritz
2013 - Galerie Arcurial, Lyon
2012 - Galerie L’œil du huit, Paris
• Galerie La Rotonde-Yvon Birster, Paris
2011 - Galerie Saint Firmin, Lyon
2009 - Musée d’Apt
2007 - Galerie Lee, Paris
2004 - Fondation Taylor, Paris
- Galerie Dinart / Nimègue / Pays-Bas
2003 - Galerie Agbe, Paris
2001 - Galerie Estève, Paris
1999 - Galerie de Buci, Paris
- Ministère de l'Outre-mer, Paris
- Ville de Boulogne-sur-mer
1998 - Galerie Mercure, Béziers
1997-98 - Musée d’Apt
1996 - Festival International / Université d’Aberystwyth (Pays de Galles)
- Galerie Jean Estève, Paris
- Hammersmith Center (centre culturel) , Londres
1988 - Musée d'Apt
1986 - Bibliothèque française de Boston


Paroi number 1: Migration

This painting has to do with prehistorical art. With such an evocation I intend to explore the moment of the first gesture.
The world of caves does'nt belong to a bygone past. Men who put their hands on the cave walls are not different from us.
He lived in the vicinity of volcanos. These volcanos are like our modern nuclear or chemical plants. They split plumes of smoke. Their ashes darken the sun, the sky. Men and herds panic.
Nature is immense and beyond us.
That's what I try to express with my pictures called "Les Parois"

Paroi number 2: Grande Arche “Paroi number 2: Grande Arche”

This painting has to do with prehistorical art. With such an evocation I entend to explore the moment of the first gesture.
The world of caves does’nt belong to bygone past. Men who put their hands on the cave walls are not different from us. They lived in the vicinity of volcanos. These volcanos are like our modern nuclear or chemical plants. They split plumes of smoke. Their ashes darken the sun, the sky. Men and herds panic.
Nature is immense and beyond us.
That’s why I try to express with my pictures called « Les Parois ».

Paroi number 3: Course poursuite “Paroi number 3: Course poursuite”

This painting has to do with prehistorical art. With such an evocation I entend to explore the moment of the first gesture.
The world of caves does’nt belong to bygone past. Men who put their hands on the cave walls are not different from us. They lived in the vicinity of volcanos. These volcanos are like our modern nuclear or chemical plants. They split plumes of smoke. Their ashes darken the sun, the sky. Men and herds panic.
Nature is immense and beyond us.
That’s why I try to express with my pictures called « Les Parois ».

Paroi number 4: vers la lumière “Paroi number 4: vers la lumière”

This painting has to do with prehistorical art. With such an evocation I entend to explore the moment of the first gesture.
The world of caves does’nt belong to bygone past. Men who put their hands on the cave walls are not different from us. They lived in the vicinity of volcanos. These volcanos are like our modern nuclear or chemical plants. They split plumes of smoke. Their ashes darken the sun, the sky. Men and herds panic.
Nature is immense and beyond us.
That’s why I try to express with my pictures called « Les Parois ».