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Tabitha Pedersen

Tabitha Pedersen

Location: Denmark

hobby art by a lady who likes to paint with acrylics
random art and photo edited into frames
just here to show my art


Dolphins art

dolphin art of the cute water animals dolphins

playfull dolphins “playfull dolphins”

this art is of some cute dolphins I painted it to my cousin she loves dolphins

Bird is the word

art acrylic paintings of birds by the lady Tabby artist

cute bird “cute bird”

tiny yellow stomach coloured bird by Tabby

blue bird “blue bird”

the blue parakeet by Tabby

small and big cats^^

here is the cats of art by Tabby

Lion the mighty “Lion the mighty”

this piece of art was my first painting I ever made and it was made with oil colour paint but after that I went acrylic to the rest of my art collection. this lion is in our family gave it to my sister so it stayed where I could see it my first off all art. by Tabby.

tired leopard in a tree “tired leopard in a tree”

this little fellow got tired painted it in acrylic this little leopard of cuteness by Tabby