Cornell Fitch

I am a niave oil painter, never had any formal or informal training. I've painted for 60 years now as a hobby, never having participated in a public showing nor sold a piece in private. The only works of mine outside my home are those in the homes of my children and friends. I have over a hundred works on the walls of my home or stored in an upstairs room.

Just recently I put up a website, to see if there might be any interest in my doing portrats from photographs. There have been none todate/

I am retired ten years. The majority of my adult life was spent as a salesman of information technology products and attempts at creating small businesses. I lost my wife of 40 years just recently. Now I paint almost continuously.

I am relatively comfortable financially and really interested in how other peo[le view my work.


Buffalo Soldiers at Camp

Buffalo Soldiers were U. S. Cavalry in the period after the Civil War. They were used to fight Plaines Indians, called Buffalo Soldiers by Indians because their hair resembled buffalo fur.