Lindsey Morrison Grant

Lindsey Morrison Grant



Eclectic and Sustainable

The artist's focus is on sustainability, not any particular medium. Whether traditional line drawing, photography, sculpture, or digital manipulation, the intent is always to employ found media, memories, and moments to process and convey the artist's thoughts and feelings about a human world out of touch with the natural one.
Lindsey Morrison Grant self-identifies as a neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder storyteller and contrarian deeply rooted in the roar and lore that's become Portlandia of The Left Coast who attributes success and survival to superlative supports, mindfulness practice, and daily creative expression in words, sounds, and image. Their visual work is currently represented by The Siy Gallery of San Francisco.


As a photographer, Lindsey Morrison Grant's focus is storytelling. The image of the weary grandmother and her two young grandsons tells of the weariness among parents in BIPOC Communities with flagrant disparities resulting from institutional racism... and having "The Conversation" generation after generation.

Surealistic Circus “Surealistic Circus”

This mixed media piece draws its inspiration from a poem written by The Artist during a mental health hospitalization in which they compare the experience to a horrific dream about a carnival. The last line of that poem became the title of a collection of essays: "The Observed, The Observer, and The Absurd."

Train of Thought “Train of Thought”

The constrictions of the COVID pandemic era forced The Artist to become more mindfully aware of capturing images close to home. The result was a series entitled, "Urban Graffiti Reimagined." Whimsical manipulation of line and color contributes to a variety of abstracts in this group.

Like a Circle in a Spiral “Like a Circle in a Spiral ”

This close-up photo of a fossil is digitally manipulated to emphasize its natural colors and contrasts. As part of a series of four, it represents Autumn and the cyclical nature of seasons, and Nature herself. It is available for photo release with attribution and/or commercial licensing.

Paved Paradise “Paved Paradise”

Homage to the eclectic and versatile artist, Joni Mitchell's song, "Big Yellow Taxi," with striking monochrome contrasting the indigo night sky's silhouetting of fir trees and Constantine razor-wire in the moonlight..