Marina Coruzzi

Marina Coruzzi

Location: Italy

Coruzzi Marina born in Turin (Italy) March 23, 1962. Since the age of ten years she began to love and experience the painting, although her studies moved her away from this passion, which is still remained vivid in her. In 1997 he attended a course of painting in which she experienced new techniques using leaves. This is a method that has ancient origins, nowadays used primarily in the East: in Japan is known the work of Kazuo Akasaki, in China the group Nature's Art affects the surface of the leaves to design subjects and representations. But the style in which it is received Marina Coruzzi is entirely personal; the education received enabled her to appreciate a particular and fascinating use of natural materials, at the same time her inner sensitivity enabled her to communicate the intensity of her "secret world", refining the technique to be defined as "mosaic artist". She considers herself an artist researcher: in this way she is able to use not only leaves, but other natural elements, like flower petals, bark, garlic peel, and many other elements, the essence of which gives a vital aura to her works. She also conceives fascinating forms, characterized by a third dimension, a unique experience for those who use this delicate and sophisticated technique.

Recent exhibitions:
April-May, 2012 - Exhibition “Immagina una nuova arte”, “NETWORK: TORINO-COLONIA, IMAGINE/IMMAGINA”, organized by “Italia Arte”, at the Italian Institute of Culture in Cologne (Germany).

July 7th to 14th , 2012 - Exhibition “Babilonia”, in Rome (Italy), at the Sale dell’Agostiniana.

September 27th to November 29th , 2012 – Exhibition “Natural-mente” in Almese (Turin).

October 23th , 2012 - Exhibition at the Fair in Condove (Turin).

November 10th to 25th , 2012 - Exhibition in Modena (Italy) at the 'Gioiosa Mente Arte' Gallery.

November 25th to January 12th , 2012 – Exhibition “Incontro d’autore” in Giaveno (Turin).

December 4th to 9th , 2012 - Exhibition at Miami International Conteporary Art Fair 2012 – by Miami Convention Center, in collaboration with Italia Arte, event Media Partner.

January, 2013 - 1st Biennale Internazionale d’Arte of Palermo.

March 6th to 23th, 2013 - Exhibition “Madamina... il catalogo è questo!” - Review of feminility and seduction, with paintings, graphics, sculpture, at “Spazio Arte Castello” in Turin.

May 25th to July 14th , 2013 - Exhibition “Sul filo della lama” at Palazzo dei Vicari in Scarperia (Florence, Italy).

June 22th to July 14th , 2013 – Exhibition at “Montebenedetto Charterhouse”, within the natural park Orsiera-Rocciavré, in Villar Focchiardo (Turin), in collaboration with Gruppo Cartusia.

August 3 th to 11th , 2013 - Exhibition in Venezia – city center – at Ca’ Zanardi Venezia.

Recent contests:
15th Contest AD-ART – August 2012;
Celeste Prize 4th Edition (2012).

To contact me:
Web Site:


Mosaics with leaves and petals

Nature mixed with fragments of leaves and petals in partial three-dimensionality.

The woodland fairy - Mosaic with leaves and petals “The woodland fairy - Mosaic with leaves and petals ”

L’aspetto delle cose varia secondo le emozioni, e così noi vediamo magia e bellezza in loro: ma bellezza e magia, in realtà, sono in noi.  
(Khalil Gibran)
The appearance of things changes according to the emotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them: but beauty and magic, in fact, they are in us.
(Khalil Gibran)

The Wolf - Mosaic with leaves and petals “The Wolf - Mosaic with leaves and petals”

Si usa uno specchio di vetro per guardare il viso e si usano le opere d’arte per guardare la propria anima.
(George Bernard Shaw)
You use a glass mirror to see your face and you use works of art to see your soul.
(George Bernard Shaw)

The woman tree - Mosaics with leaves and petals “The woman tree - Mosaics with leaves and petals”

.........i suoi capelli si mutarono in rami ricchi di foglie; le sue braccia si sollevarono verso il cielo diventando flessibili rami; il suo corpo sinuoso si ricoprì di tenera corteccia; i suoi delicati piedi si tramutarono in robuste radici ed il suo delicato volto svaniva tra le fronde dell'albero.
(Citazione dal ‘Mito di Dafne’)
........her hairs is changed into leafy branches, his arms raised towards the sky becoming flexible branches, its sinuous body covered himself with tender bark; her delicate feet turned into strong roots and her delicate face fading between the fronds of the tree.
(Quote from the 'myth of Daphne')

The look of Nature “The look of Nature”

Mosaic with leaves and petals