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Location: Ukraine

Painters Alik Vetrof art curator
Painting art projects:
"Alluring suspense"​ (1989), drawing, illustration books (1993-2008), Nude (1995-2014), "The City and the people... "​ (2007 ...), "I give you a bouquet of"​ (2008), "From Inspiration"​ (2008 ...), "Assya - Assya"​ (2009), "Marine Expression"​ (1995-2012), "​ Punjab. Do not open yourself to the world "​(2008),"​ Dance with the rain of fire "​(2009),"​ Dance 2008-09 "​,"​ People and the City and not only ... "​ (2007-12), "Stop frame"​ (2010 ...), "Ballet 2012 Ballet"​ (2011-13), "city communications - tunnels"​ 2011-14.
Art curatorial projects:
2005-11 Library-E-Literature
2010-13 "News Contemporary Art"​
2014 -16 Art gallery "Opportunity"
2016 -19 art gallery Cappuccino
2018-19 art gallery & auction 4M
Guralnic Oleg (Alik Vetrof) was born Sept. 8, 1971, illustrator, writer, publisher, photographer-journalist, a jeweler-caster. Self-taught. All the skills mastered in practice. Works in painting since 1989, the style of painting abstract, carving realism.
1989-90gg service in the owls. army, the reserve for injuries (Disabled War II group). 1990-91gg worked at the Odessa jewelry factory, jewelry caster.
Since 1991, he wrote graphic realism, creating sculptures stone - metal - wood.
Since 2004, designed the book, literary work, written ten books, including three books on art, two on the economy, has created an economic method "Methods UPOERSS."
In 2006 began publishing has created a draft publishing group Library-E-Literature, online store.
In 2009 he began work on the artwork consisting of cycles of abstraction; marinistka, Black Sea coast. Expression of the Marine ("Marine Expression". Impressionism sea expression).
Name of paintings and photographic art projects, the year of launch of the project:

"Marine Expression", 2009-2010 (series of works completed, 25 canvases).
A series of works "I give you a bouquet of" (I'll give you a bouquet. (Impressionism)), still lifes, flower arrangements in vases, 2009.
Still lifes, landscapes, 2006.
NewYork, 2008.
From inspiration ", 2008.
"Odessa is preparing", 2007.
"Assya - Assya", 2009.
Photos, a series of works, the art project: "People and the city and not only ..." (Art Project: "People and the city and not only ...") 2009-2010.
"Ballet 2012 Ballet ". (2011 - 2012)
Involvement in creative projects:
1989 Odessa, art action "Art of vandalism", Moscow protest installation "Flags downwards."
1990 Odessa - Saint Petersburg performens "Courtship Hussars.
2000 Moscow, art action "Drummers of the capitalist labor" art object.
2007 creation of the project online magazine about contemporary art "Art Galleries" (Art Galleries), auctions and exhibitions of other art events
2009 Odessa photo-installation "Johns", "Artists since summer," projection installation "The naked truth."
2009 installation STSUHEK - Fisherman's Catch STSUHEK - Fisherman's Catch
2009-2010 Series of works from painting project «Assya - Assya" in collaboration with artist Grzhibovsky & artist Kirichenko.
Participation in the creative community:
1990 "Parallel World two Palmira" Saint Petersburg - Odessa.
1997 "FACERA" USA, New York.
2009 International creative, artistic association "ASA ART randevu" Odessa.
Solo Exhibitions:
1989 Apartment gallery (Odessa), Russia, Moscow Central House of Artists "alluring suspense" projection transformation canvas, oil, applied carving.
Germany, Munich "artibis2" "Mania suspense" "Verführerisch Spannung" Projektionstransformation Leinwand, Öl, angewendet schnitzen.
1992 Russia, St. Petersburg "Southern sandstone, sculpture stone, wood, metal castings, United Kingdom London, gallery" BISxol "" Southern sandstone, stone sculptures, wood, metal castings.
1997 Mexico, Mexico City, "Art-Bez" gallery "CONE" project "Transit home" (Transit home)
1999 Russia, Moscow gallery "Kolla", Saint-Petersburg Gallery East, project installations, "The Forgotten Dream - Goodbye Art.
2009 permanent "Apartment gallery on Vysotsky" (Odessa) Maritime Art Gallery (Odessa), Art Cafe Candy (Odessa), "I see so Black Sea Coast. Exhibition hall "MegaDom" (Odessa), "A".
2009 November, permanent exhibition at the apartment st. Vysotsky Odessa.
2009-2010 Marine expression of the artist Alik Vetrof. (Standing, in the Gallery at the Vysotsky)
Group Exhibitions:
1989 St. Petersburg, apartment gallery.
1990 Moscow gallery "ARTDirect"
1992 St. Petersburg gallery "ART Parity" Jewelry Casting "sculptures.
1996 Russia Moscow Central House of Artists "book graphics.
1997 U.S. gallery "Modern House" project of modern Russian artists.
2000 Russia Moscow "Kolla", USA, New York "Home 280 street".
2002 Odessa Apartment Gallery
2006 Odessa Book Fair
2007 Kiev, Moscow book exhibition.
2008 Kiev Book Fair
2009 Art-cafe "Candy" "Odessa - sea - oil on canvas" (July-August, Odessa), Exhibition Gallery "MegaDom" (June-August, Odessa) "Artistic view of your banal interior, art-cafe," East "( August-September Odessa) "Artists after the summer" (September Odessa). UKRAINIAN ART WEEK (November 17-23, 2009, Kiev, Ukraine).
2010 in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Krymsky Val, Moscow, Russia.
Illustration of books:
Illustrated over 200 books.
Work Alec Vetrof are in collections and private collections:
Ukraine, Odessa, Kiev, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk. Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Eagle, Austria, Poland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Holland, France, USA, UK London, Germany, Cologne, Munich and other countries.
Acting as a facilitator:
1997-98 gallery "ART-937" USA, New York.
2009 Art Cafe "Candy" (Odessa), Exhibition Gallery "MegaDom" (Odessa)
2009 Developed the creative association "ASA ART randevu".
2009 Create Project Art Directory (printed version) "art dealer books about contemporary art", became an official application log on contemporary art "Art Galleries".
2009-2010 art project "Marine expression" paintings, postcards, art catalog (print version).
2010 Creating a project for the promotion of contemporary art, project information portal "News Contemporary Art" Art London UK
Information for exhibitions:
While writing the head of the Editorial Board online magazine about contemporary art "Art Galleries" (Art Galleries) provides information support more than one hundred artists and galleries;
Russia, The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), VOLGA art gallery (Moscow), Regina Gallery (Moscow), Galerie Iragui (Moscow), Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (Moscow), Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art (Moscow), ...
Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia.
St. Petersburg State Hermitage Museum.
Ukraine, Kiev - Gallery "Triptych", "Karas Gallery, Gallery Colo-Zaspa" gallery "Burwah", Art Center Paul Gudimova "I Gallery, Gallery" Persona », PinchukArtCentre Future Generation Art, and others ...
Lviv - Gallery "Dziga", "Green Sandwich, Gallery LvivArt,
Odessa - Maritime Art Gallery, Photo Center Gallery "Oqsaroy", Contemporary Art Gallery NT-Art, art-center «Odessa Grows up», Odessa Municipal Museum of Personal Collections them. AV Bleschunova ...
Kharkiv - Kharkiv City Art Gallery
Sevastopol Art Museum. MP Kroshitskogo
USA; New York gallery Gallery Map, Gallery BLACK & WHITE GALLERY, Miami, ... Iraq, France, Paris "Arti-Bez", Museum "Cernuschi", Italy: Turin "ARTISSIMA" Brussels; exhibition space "Galleria" Greece, "Frieze Art Fair 2009 ", Singapore" ArtisgentA ", England. London: THE BRICK LANE GALLERY. Gallery Primo Alonso, and many others, Australia. Sydney. TMR Tiraspol .... and individual artists ....

Contacts: UK art London
tel: 38-048-7987344, 38-096-2044200 vetrof.a @
Information materials prepared by curator art dealer Information prepared by the editorial staff of the publishing house Library-E-Literature, book online magazin. News agency "LEL" The material is prepared and hosted by journalists art portal catalog art magazine "News Contemporary Art".


Conceptual art painting & photographer

Alik Vetrof conceptual artist. I work as an artist, photographer, writer and journalist since 1989 art curatorial contemporary art
International creative artistic association "ASA ART randevu" & Information art portal "News Contemporary Art" pleased to announce the launch of a new pictorial art project "Ballet 2012 Ballet", everyone can take part in an art project. Friends of Art curator of the project Alex Vetrof tvorchekih wishes all success.
Creative association "Art randevu ASA" and art magazine of conceptual art "NCA" ("News Contemporary Art")
More information on the artist's page >>>>
Curatorial: art curatorial Alik Vetrof Exhibition Hall Art-GALLERY at Vysotsky information Support project , News Contemporary Art.

balle 2012 ballet “balle 2012 ballet”

Ballet 2012 Ballet
MDF, oil on canvas (January-March 2011), size, width 85, height 90 cm, by artist Alik Vetrof Ballet 2012 Ballet

Bouquet of roses in blue vase on a transparent background in 2012 “Bouquet of roses in blue vase on a transparent background in 2012”

Contemporary painting, conceptual art, art work, "Bouquet of roses in blue vase on a transparent background in 2012 " picture of 2012
The size of the Oil on canvas, MDF 42,5 x 51,5 cm on art canvas Alik Vetrof contemporary work as a painter, photographer
The cycle of artistic works by the "I give you a bouquet of." artist Alik Vetrof 2009 - 2012
You can order gift products based on the conceptual paintings of contemporary artist Alik Vetrof
More on the author's page of the conceptual painter"I give you a bouquet of."

Primrose, in the wet snow “Primrose, in the wet snow”

Contemporary painting, conceptual art, art work, "Primrose in the wet snow January 2012 " picture of 2012
The size of the canvas 50 x 80 cm, oil on canvas Alik Vetrof work as a painter, photographer
The cycle of artistic works by the "I give you a bouquet of." artist Alik Vetrof 2009 - 2012
You can order gift products based on the conceptual paintings of contemporary artist Alik Vetrof
More on the author's page of the conceptual painter"I give you a bouquet of."

Ballet 2011 mystery Vienna Woods “Ballet 2011 mystery Vienna Woods”

"Ballet-2, 2011" The photo of the art project "Ballet-2012-Ballet"
Conceptual photography 2011 artist Alik Vetrof
Abstract photo art project in the concept: "People and the city and not only ..."
Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic
Photo is taken at the Odessa National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet, in time to premiere the show closed Ballet Mystery lesa15 Vienna in December 2011 ballet in two acts to the music of Gustav Mahler and Strauss.
"People and the city and not only ..."

Green onions on a gray background “Green onions on a gray background”

Green onions on a gray background.
2009 Oil on canvas, size 40x50 cm conceptual art painting
On a painting depicts a still life, with a gray background table strewn vegetables. The central element is the blue onion, with a wide spreading head and green feathers. On the left side of the canvas shows the Bulgarian pepper and carrot being bright elements of the composition.
More on the author's page of the artist >>>>

Dance 2009 “Dance 2009”

Conceptual photography 2011 artist Alik VetrofAbstract photo art project in the concept: "People and the city and not only ..." Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic The world around us is changing rapidly. We are constantly in motion. Not surmountable desire to walk, run, and pursues us, we want to catch everything and everywhere.
The velocity of the object, which coincided with the speed camera shot. Good luck, when I become one with the subject and the space is not separated themselves from the event. Simply put, time and place, event, object, color, lighting (something that is natural for the event and time), the camera and the photographer - merge into one and become a common part of high art. For a split second we are one body, in bated breath creating a conceptual photograph.
Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic
"People and the city and not only ..."
conceptual art Art Alik Vetrof

Dance with the fire rain  2009 “Dance with the fire rain 2009”

Dance with the rain of fire (2009) 100x65cm.
Conceptual photography 2011 artist Alik Vetrof
Abstract photo art project in the concept: "People and the city and not only ..."
The world around us is changing rapidly. We are constantly in motion. Not surmountable desire to walk, run, and pursues us, we want to catch everything and everywhere.

The velocity of the object, which coincided with the speed camera shot. Good luck, when I become one with the subject and the space is not separated themselves from the event. Simply put, time and place, event, object, color, lighting (something that is natural for the event and time), the camera and the photographer - merge into one and become a common part of high art. For a split second we are one body, in bated breath creating a conceptual photograph.
Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic
"People and the city and not only ..."

Dance with the rain of fire 1 (2009) “Dance with the rain of fire 1 (2009) ”

Dance with the rain of fire 1 (2009) 100x65cm

Conceptual photography 2011 artist Alik Vetrof
Abstract photo art project in the concept: "People and the city and not only ..."
Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic
The world around us is changing rapidly. We are constantly in motion. Not surmountable desire to walk, run, and pursues us, we want to catch everything and everywhere.

The velocity of the object, which coincided with the speed camera shot. Good luck, when I become one with the subject and the space is not separated themselves from the event. Simply put, time and place, event, object, color, lighting (something that is natural for the event and time), the camera and the photographer - merge into one and become a common part of high art. For a split second we are one body, in bated breath creating a conceptual photograph.

Flash. “Flash.”

art-project - Study of Fire - conceptual art painting
Flash. Oil on canvas, mdf size 85h90 cm
The painting was created in 2011

Bamboo forest on the banks of the River 2009 “Bamboo forest on the banks of the River 2009”

Bamboo forest on the banks of the River 2009

The graph. 2004 “The graph. 2004”

The graph. 2004

Last minute words in the urban jungle 2011 11 “Last minute words in the urban jungle 2011 11”

Last minute words in the urban jungle 2011 11

Odessa 2012 festival ballet NCA “Odessa 2012 festival ballet NCA”

Odessa 2012 festival ballet NCA
The photo of the art project "Ballet-2012-Ballet"
Conceptual photography 2011 artist Alik Vetrof
Abstract photo art project in the concept: "People and the city and not only ..."
Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic

Odessa 2012 festival opera & arts ballet “Odessa 2012 festival opera & arts ballet”

Odessa 2012 festival opera & arts ballet The photo of the art project "Ballet-2012-Ballet"
Conceptual photography 2011 artist Alik Vetrof
Abstract photo art project in the concept: "People and the city and not only ..."
Printing on photo paper, size 100 x 65 cm, author's photo is labeled on the 5 mm plastic