Hunter has been working for the past few years on a continuing series of large acrylic paintings The inspiration for the paintings came from the song “Strawberry Fields Forever” by the Beatles.

Before turning his attention to painting full time he was a concept artist for advertising agencies for many years.

Born in San Diego, spent most of his childhood in the Far East and Europe. Eventually he settled in Southern California where he founded a surf magazine. In the mid 80s he moved to Minnesota for eight years then moved to Colorado in 1994 were he resides now.


Strawberry Fields Forever

Paintings inspired by the song “Strawberry Fields Forever” by the Beatles.

Hidden Peace “Hidden Peace ”

One of several inspired by the Beatles
3’x5’ Acrylic on Canvas

White Feather “White Feather ”

One of many inspired by the Beatles.
3’x5’ Acrylic on Canvas

Stargazer “Stargazer ”

One in a series inspired by the Beatles
3’x5’ Acrylic on Canvas

Star Keeper “Star Keeper ”

One in a series inspired by the Beatles song “Strawberry Fields Forever”
3’x6’ Acrylic on Canvas

Star Child “Star Child”

One of many inspired by the song “Strawberry Fields Forever”