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Location: France

CATHERINE FOLATRE IS A FRANCO-AMERICAN ARTIST.She was born to an artistic family whose history dates back to the 19th century.Mother's family was French known as world famous masters in the art of stained glass.They provided the defining glass pieces of many cathedrals throughout Europe,ASIA,AFRICA,SOUTH AMERICA.

Father was an american gallerist & one of the first innovators in selling & promoting fine art posters.Among his severals galleries was P.O.L. ( POSTERS ORIGINAL LIMITED ) in NY. As a child her Father " dragged her to art galleries !", which ironically became the foundation for her illustrious artistic career. Raised in NEW YORK
FOLATRE returned to France where she attended the " École Supérieure Des Arts Modernes"& the" Académie Charpentier" in Paris. During her time in France, she was mentored by the world famous french sculptor " CESAR". She now works & lives between Paris- France & Athens- Greece, one of the great artistic places of predilection for artists all over the world, famous for its extraordinary " light" ! Among her accomplishments is the 1st prize she was awarded, in a contest , for her poster of the " SALON DES FEMMES PEINTRES "at the MUSEAM OF MODERN ART in PARIS.This poster encountered a huge succes & in 1985 U. N.E.S.C.O bought & exhibited & edited her poster " LA FEMME AU PINCEAU ". FOLATRE is registered in the world famous Art dictionary "THE BÉNÉZIT" for inventing her own color blue " Le BLEU FOLATRE " she has been a member of the very distinguished ROTHCHILD FOUNDATION in Paris "LA MAISON DES ARTISTES ". Very young she had illustrious clients..amongst them were: PIERRE SALINGER ( spokesmen of President John F. Kennedy ) who purchased her painting " THE HAIR SALON". Living in such culturally distinguished cities as NEW YORK-PARIS ATHENS-provided ample inspiration for the lively Folatre. Her first exhibit was when she was 22..She paints usually on large canvas using acrylic paint but most of the time on themes.Some of the prefaces to her exhibitions have been done by some of the most renowned artists in the world including the famous French poet Jacques Prevert - Sergio leone film director ( spaghetti westerns) -Annie Fratellini from the famous Fratellini circus.Her latest exhibition in Athens greece " Heaven can wait" the theme being angels..the pieces reflect her ideology that "her" angels have the excuse to "fool around" ! because they have wings..the angels in Folatre's work are " having a ball " !
!..while other times they are enveloped in intimate personal reflections..they are terribly "human"...They are a reflection of us,much like art is a reflection of life. Her driving message with " Heaven Can Wait "is that we must appreciate life & enjoy it while it lasts..while we're still here..So enjoy !!
