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Rita Miglioli

Rita Miglioli

Born in the northern Italian city of Brescia, I moved to New York in 1976, and in 1984 to San Diego, where I have been living since then.

I have a Fine Arts degree from Liceo Artistico V. Foppa in Brescia, and an Architecture degree from the Politecnico di Milano. I also studied at the Accademia Arti Applicate in Milan. In the 1970s, I taught art history and drawing at the Liceo Scientifico Tuminelli in Milan. For many years I designed textiles for various firms in Milan and New York, and while always actively painting, I also worked as an architect and interior designer in New York.
Many of my paintings are in private and corporate collections in Italy and in the USA.


Metamorphosis Series

A continuum existence

Metamorphosis 1 “Metamorphosis 1”

Acrylic on canvas - 40" x 60"

Metamorphosis 2 “Metamorphosis 2”

Acrylic on canvas - 48" x 48"

Metamorphosis 3 “Metamorphosis 3”

Acrylic on canvas - 48" x 48"

Metamorphosis 4 “Metamorphosis 4”

Acrylic on canvas - 72" x 48"