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Location: Canada

Creating art gave me purpose, it gave me a chance to convey what I witnessed: 'beauty in the everyday' despite the fact that I suffered from daily headaches. Throughout my childhood and adolescence I had been suffering from an impairment in my muscular function of my vision. In my thirties I underwent a thorough vision analysis and vision therapy. It took years, but I eventually could see 'normally' after Optometric Vision Therapy.
In 1995 scribbleography was born from my new found vision.
Scribbleography is an organic process. It is a hybrid style which combines drawing with photography. Each photograph is infused with my vision.
Scribbleography is an inspired whimsical celebration of nostalgia.
Scribbleography is a growing body of over 150 pieces of artwork which I photograph on location throughout the world. But my site is .ca because I am located in Canada.
My logo is the old style 'smily face' :) to honor both the 'old school' cameras and the 'old school' icons from our ever changing digital world.

I scribble because it's fun.


scribbleography is an organic process. It is a hybrid style which combines drawing with photography. is an inspired whimsical celebration to reveal my optimistic view.

'Spring Warm Up' a panoramic photograph “'Spring Warm Up' a panoramic photograph”

The Spring warm Up was photographed after six months of a bitter freezing winter. It's about the invincibility of a fragile bud unthawing.

'Dancing Poppies' -a panoramic photograph “'Dancing Poppies' -a panoramic photograph”

STOP THE CAR, stop the car... WOW! as far as I could see these wild poppies danced in the warm summer breeze. Germany countryside.

'Midnight Forest' -a panoramic photograph “'Midnight Forest' -a panoramic photograph ”

In the deep woods, in the wilds of northern Canada I slipped out of my tent in the moon light to set up my camera for long exposure of the forest people around me.