Location: Colombia
Next you will see different works of art made and preserved over time, each one has a brief description
Photo Number: 01
Name: The Band
Photo Tip: if you take a photo with someone in the center. you will not have to cut it
Dont: Dont take moving photos because they will look blurry
Addvice Or Suggestion: you should
Photo Number:02
Name: The First Day Of School.
Photo Tip: You take a photo of an image with natural light. you will not take again
Don't: don't take photos with of the album paper because can be blurry
Addvice Or Suggestion: you should save your photos in a notebook or a album
Photo Number: 03
Name: My Happy Birthay#13
Photo Tip: if you take a photo for a birthday you will to focus the birthday boy
Don't: don't cut the decoration because would you have take again
Addvice Or Suggestion: you had better clean the lens before take a photos
Photo number:04
Name: Giron chopped
Photo Tip: if you want to take a picture in a restaurant
Don’t: Dont take photos with people moving behind
Advice or suggestion: you should accommodate you to have the best angle
Photo Number: 05
Name: fishing
Photo tip: if you take a photo with a flash you will a best picture
Dont: don't get too close to the edge of the bridge
Advice or Suggestion: you should clean good the fish
Number: 06
Name: Food
Photo Tip: if you take a photo for some objects you will have to get away.
Dont: don't eat much because you can sick.
Advice or Suggestion: you had better eat healthier.
Price: 100 dollars