Teresa Letizia Bontà

Teresa letizia Bontà

Location: Italy


The Darkness of the soul

The Darkness of the Soul is a photographic project born from a necessity: give shape to the pain.
That deep feeling that can skim even the most improbable and protect parts of our soul.
In these photos, the artist Teresa Bontà is searching for the din of the silence that burns in a stormy spirit. The sensation of stillness invades during the act of protect the feelings from sharp blades, victims of a love that now is a tormentor, a murderer.
The blood gushes because of the indifference in the presence of the suffering.
The frustrating scream that just asks to be supported to not falling down.
A therapeutic walk directed to the awareness to don’t lose themselves even in front of the penetrating dark.
Even the silence holds its breath.

The Darkness of the soul “The Darkness of the soul ”

The Darkness of the Soul is a photographic project born from a necessity: give shape to the pain.
That deep feeling that can skim even the most improbable and protect parts of our soul.
In these photos, the artist Teresa Bontà is searching for the din of the silence that burns in a stormy spirit. The sensation of stillness invades during the act of protect the feelings from sharp blades, victims of a love that now is a tormentor, a murderer.
The blood gushes because of the indifference in the presence of the suffering.
The frustrating scream that just asks to be supported to not falling down.
A therapeutic walk directed to the awareness to don’t lose themselves even in front of the penetrating dark.
Even the silence holds its breath.

The Darkness of the soul “The Darkness of the soul ”

The Darkness of the Soul is a photographic project born from a necessity: give shape to the pain.
That deep feeling that can skim even the most improbable and protect parts of our soul.
In these photos, the artist Teresa Bontà is searching for the din of the silence that burns in a stormy spirit. The sensation of stillness invades during the act of protect the feelings from sharp blades, victims of a love that now is a tormentor, a murderer.
The blood gushes because of the indifference in the presence of the suffering.
The frustrating scream that just asks to be supported to not falling down.
A therapeutic walk directed to the awareness to don’t lose themselves even in front of the penetrating dark.
Even the silence holds its breath.

Time “Time ”

Il Tempo.
Sovrano tiranno che accarezza le nostre vite avviluppando l’anima al nostro destino.
Sovrano invisibile che scandisce il sorgere e tramontare del sole.
Sovrano dimenticato e sottovalutato a cui chiederemo perdono.

E’ al cospetto di una pandemia mondiale, dove mura domestiche diventano prigione di una quarantena imposta, che il concetto di Tempo viene rivalutato.
Un nuovo valore, un nuovo significato.
Paura, disagio, percezione delle distanze alterata.
Vita che dentro si ferma e fuori scivola.

E’ forse possibile catturare il tempo in una fotografia?
In questi scatti, Teresa Bontà raffigura le emozioni che questo sovrano silenzioso dipinge sulle nostre percezioni.
Quelle più oscure e introspettive, scaturite dal fare contatto con il nostro Io più profondo.
Dipinge così col suo obiettivo veri e propri quadri, in cui ciascuno può intravedere personali emozioni.