posted by Sal VillanoTV interview of Sal Villano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UXEqP1kUk&feature=youtu.be
TV interview of Sal Villano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UXEqP1kUk&feature=youtu.be
I am excited to announce that I have been invited to be a demonstrator and artist/ stall holder at the WA Visual Art Expo at the University of Western Australia. This promises to be a very exciting event 21st October 2012 at UWA http://www.fabartevents.com.au/ This event aims to bring to Perth a Visual Arts event that provides a unique opportunity for talented local artists to showcase their works of art, connecting the artist with the community. I hope to see you all there! :)
I just uploaded a new portfolio titled, "Om, The Cosmology of Now". Please check it out!
I’m revisiting my smallish flattened oil paintings from the “Teapot Series” for a show in Bisbee Arizona, where I now live, and newer mixed-media work, with the show continuing through July 29th, 2012. www.kenboe.com for more information. Image: "Automatic Maker"
Curatela Silvia Campese, saranno presenti Silvia Calcagno, Terry Davis, Mariano Fuga, Gian Genta, Rita Miranda,Simone Negri, Brenno Pesci, Jasmine Pignatelli, Franco Rampi, Paola Staccioli, Paolo Staccioli. Una sezione a parte è dedicata al ceramista savonese Sandro Lorenzini, Un lavoro complesso, supportato dal punto di vista critico dal Direttore del Museo Internazionale delle Arti Applicate Oggi MIAAO, Enzo Biffi Gentili. Catalogo in mostra, a cura di Silvia Campese, con testi di Enzo Biffi Gentili, Silvia Campese; 28 luglio 2012 – 7 ottobre 2012 (ingresso euro 5) Inaugurazione: 28 luglio 2012, ore 18 (ingresso libero) orari: martedì - mercoledì - giovedì - venerdì ore 16/19 sabato - domenica ore 10/12,30 - 15/19 info: tel. 0124 582642 - www.fornacepagliero.it Centro Ceramico Fornace Castellamonte (TO)