posted by Michael EarneyJoin me on Facebook to catch the latest news and exchange ideas. http://www.facebook.com/themichaelearney
Join me on Facebook to catch the latest news and exchange ideas. http://www.facebook.com/themichaelearney
NOW AVAILABLE FROM BLURB: "Magic Faces - Caras Magicas", Paintings by Michael Earney was recently released. This collection of my works has over forty paintings and drawing, together with comments and information in English and Spanish that offer insight on the paintings and the masks. It is available in a 7"x 7" softcover edition or 12"x12" hardcover. Go to this web address for more information: http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/3185683?utm_source=TellAFriend&utm_medium=email&utm_content=3185683
You can now buy prints of selected works and custom greeting cards featuring my work through a special account I have with FineArt America. Use this link to view selections, print options, and pricing: http://fineartamerica.com/shop/michael-earney.html
I am proud to say that I am now a featured artist on lagunaart.com! This awesome website allows art lovers from all over the world to view and even purchase your art! Over 80 galleries get their art from this site and artists that belong to this site are marketed in local and national magazines. Wow! Thanks to everyone at www.lagunaart.com for choosing me to be on your site!
I uploaded 6 to 7 images and now they are gone. What happened?