posted by Ilya TsurikovNew projects contemporary art 21 century http://art-21.ru/russian-brand-in-paintings.html Russian Brand...
New projects contemporary art 21 century http://art-21.ru/russian-brand-in-paintings.html Russian Brand...
Eyes sunset blood is the first new work dedicated to my new novel out for Christmas 20015 .
This is my new painting entitled Tropical Island Paradise.
A brand new exhibition bringing together three of the UK's most exciting contemporary artists, Painting Out Loud will bring a dash of colour to the winter days.
" MEETING WITH THE SUBCONSCIOUS " 204 × 71 cm These kinds of meetings need a quick reaction . That's what I met in mind - move me, so I found a piece of canvas, it was not well and good but be suitable in to copy what I saw. Paint? , Also I did not have, I used the dried remnants of the industrial - was enough. And so immortalized image the meeting of the subconscious.