Ronnie Greenspan

Ronnie Greenspan artwork transports viewers to a world of imagination and intrigue. Greenspan works in a variety of mediums including painting, drawing, surface design, photography and video. Her studio is located in Miami, Florida.



Select artworks from artist's prolific body of work.

Fossil Fish “Fossil Fish”

Mixed-media collage with allusions to ancient art. Use of fish motif is predominant in composition.

Three Princesses “Three Princesses”

Fairy tale imagery is predominant in this imaginative collage.

Neverland Fish “Neverland Fish”

This large-format collage includes allusions to Michael Jackson and Peter Pan. The piece is from the artist's fish series.

Whimsical Creatures “Whimsical Creatures”

Executed in artist's signature style.

Feature Creatures “Feature Creatures”

Design oriented artwork with fantasy faces.