Location: United States
I'm just another (yawn) person
The artworks are on canvas panel of various sizes. Thanks for viewing.
The picture is an observation during a typical total annihilation scenario.
These are unclassified artworks that may or may not stand alone.
Abstract at its abstractiest.
The inspiration for this series is the high desert area of California between Victorville and Stateline.
Goodbye in German.
These artworks include my latest fish series.
This series includes various neighborhoods near to (although sometimes far away from) downtown Establishmentarianismtowne.
Each painting is a snapshot of the time between the death of a human sentenced to eternal torment and just before it is compelled to be eaten and eventually shit into HELL proper by the HELLMOUTH.
Time doesn't apply.
HELLMOUTH is the doorway to HELL, from which there is no return,no relief and no shortage of used condoms for food! Bon Appetit!