posted by Perla BragaCollage,seeds,papers acrylic collors,coffee, pigments, resin etc 50 x 60 cm,on canvas.
Collage,seeds,papers acrylic collors,coffee, pigments, resin etc 50 x 60 cm,on canvas.
GUIDO ANDRUETTO, Giornalista,Critico d'Arte, corrispondente de "La Repubblica" e " Il Giornale" .....Colpisce poi del nuovo programma [ di Paratissima 2013 ] la presenza consistente di artisti che prediligono l'uso della pittura come Maurizio Pesce,Amir Tasami, Lorenzo Palazzo Mancini, nous-nous-sommes e Norb, solo per citare alcuni dei pittori presenti a Paratissima quest'anno. (in "Paratissima apre alle gallerie e riparte dall' ex M.O.I." ( "La Repubblia",Trovatorino, 14-11-2013)
ARTISTS CAN CHOOSE TWO MODES 'EXHIBITION: - MINI PERSONAL with n. 5 Works at Artist - CONTRIBUTION 250 E. - EXHIBITIONS with n. 20 Works at Artist - CONTRIBUTION 750 E. - A DISCOUNTED 550 E. IF THE ARTIST DIRECTLY TO PARTICIPATE OPPORTUNITY 'TO HAVE THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES CUSTOM WORKS -THE WORKS max 1 m. X 1 m - Works of Painting (oil, tempera, acrylic, watercolor) - Ceramics - Sculpture - Mixed techniques - Photography - Digital Works - Installations - No. 100 CATALOGUES - REFERRED TO ARTIST & SERVICES ARTISTS INCLUSION INTERESTED CAN CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL IF ACCOMPANIED BY THE PICTURES OF WORKS, A WEB SITE: rellamariapia2014@libero.it RELLA Maria Pia = SpaziOfficina www.premioceleste.it/rellamariapia www.artmajeur.com/spaziofficina www.youtube.com/user/SPAZIOFFICINA
This is one of the paintings that I will be showing in a group show at Dacia Gallery in New York. Show starts this Sunday, 15th February. Inspired by our art residency in Romania last summer, I have chosen the folk costumes of the region.
AIM is on ''stage'' at the FLORENCE DESIGN WEEK in ITALIE