posted by Georgia Priniotakis (Kalas)
As a landscape artist, and a Plein Air enthusiast,Nature, fascinates me. The acceptance in the "Artists Residency Program" in the summer of 2013, provided the opportunity, and perfect setting. The natural habitat of the city of Coaticook,in the province of Quebec, Canada,is a paradise, a perfect picture of nature and human coexistence, its surrounding vistas, nature parks, rivers and gorge, offered ample possibilities, possible exciting feelings, and great inspiration.
Documenting this beauty of Nature as I saw it, manifested in this body of work, "Discovering Coaticook" rendered realistically, with bold brush strokes, strong and soft hues, or conveyed abstractly with palette knife.
Work will be exhibited in Galerie de la Ville, in Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada, Feb.16th to March 16th.2014